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https://youtu.be/83EYrzOHReA?si=f4b7hDdJ-mvqE88W 2024. 6. 26. #답이없땅 #농사 #부동산답이없땅 EP.13 매주 수요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #농사 #부동산 #김현중 #귀농 #옥수수농사 -------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwt http://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...농사 초보..
https://youtu.be/3HRAYmRLLv4?si=ij4rSPvj14ulg1i3 2024. 6. 19.답이없땅 EP.12 매주 수요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #농사 #부동산 #김현중 #귀농 #옥수수농사 -------------------------------------- For more information @ http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwt http://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...옥수수가 잘 자라고 있지만 옥심이가..
https://youtu.be/TT3nS7Fvd1w?si=G4eUOTGTwIb0NNYq 2024. 6. 5.답이없땅 EP.10 매주 수요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #농사 #부동산 #김현중 #귀농 #옥수수농사 -------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwthttp://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...부발읍 마을 축제 참가에 트로트 가수..
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https://youtu.be/u8_ndsVOQ78?si=XMZkqypL4YV1C5Xn 2024. 4. 27. 답이없땅 EP.04 매주 수요일, 토요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #농사 #부동산 #김현중 #뉴트리원 -------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwthttp://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...뉴트리원 덕분에 물 문제 해결되고 ..
https://youtu.be/z292dUTZmbI?si=_4bJqVXt1oz1RKoZ 2024. 4. 20. 답이없땅 EP.02 매주 수요일, 토요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #nosolidanswers #농사 #부동산 ------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwthttp://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...십수 년 버려져있던 땅혼..
https://youtu.be/1QZ5CbEJkOM?si=1NeIichD2AVs9RHk 2024. 4. 17. #답이없땅 #nosolidanswers #농사답이없땅 EP.01 매주 수요일, 토요일 KST 15:00 #답이없땅 #nosolidanswers #농사 #부동산 -------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwthttp://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id..
https://youtu.be/2QehYfqUbjI?si=a2vnvN-u629KyFow 2024.04.17. Episode #1 #답이없땅 #이천 #죽당리 -------------------------------------- For more information @http://www.hyun-joong.com https://www.instagram.com/hyunjoong86... http://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong https://twitter.com/khj_heneciatwthttp://weibo.com/hyunjoongk https://vk.com/id662042473...티저만 봐서는 무슨 이야기인지 감이 안 오는 ㅋㅋㅋ17일까지 기다려보는 걸로^^